“No disaster can overtake you, No plague can come near your dwelling; For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”

— Psalms 91:10-11

My philosophy

Have you ever heard, “There’s nothing wrong with you, it's all in your head”? I know so many people who sadly have this spoken over them. This is both unhelpful and, quite frankly, gaslighting.

It is very hard to navigate the medicinal world right now and everyone is selling something. A new treatment or service is thrust on us at all times. And with so many of them, the results are short lived, which is when we find out about another new technique. I hope to eliminate some of that chaos for you and to save you millions in the long run.

Our bodies are smart and send signals to us in the form of symptoms and pain.

That is its way of saying, “there is something off. Please take care of this.” Your body has everything it needs right now to thrive. It has all the information in your genetic code telling us what happened to you generations ago and how it affects you today. Your body has stored emotions from events and it has created neural networks to create your attachment style, your coping mechanisms, and your way of navigating this world. Therefore, your body is the expert to know exactly what emotions, traumas, memories, codes in your DNA need to be unblocked or in other terms “Healed”. I use muscle testing to ask “the expert”your body and discover what the root cause of the issue is and treat it.

We can find a plan that is perfect for your body and what it needs NOW. I believe that there is a time for everything. With that I make sure to listen to your body and to you to know what you are ready for. Some issues are pressing us right now but our body knows it is too sensitive to handle that at this time. Maybe you need some stability and support before you are ready for that. Sometimes the symptom that seemed so big will be removed as we release some trapped emotions or a prayer. When I go about healing in this form I find that we do not need to always get every single emotion, sometimes releasing one will release a ton of others. This is what I call GRACE and I believe we will have grace to walk through this process in a way that brings the most life. I encourage you to trust your own intuition and body to be a part of your health care team. I believe in open communication in this environment and I hope to make this journey a little less stressful. I hope that during our time together you can walk away with hope and empowered that you have everything you need in yourself to heal.

“You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” - Psalms 139:14

Every session is different for every individual. There is none the same, I come into my sessions knowing that even though this person might have the same symptoms as the last, that does not mean the root or the treatment is the same. I will approach each person as a clean slate asking your body what it needs.

Our goal is to bring your body into Healing mode, Overcoming mode, Connection mode, and Abundance mode in order for you to function at your fullest capacity as a Child of God. 

How I can help…

  • Healing

    In this session, I will test your body to see what is in your subconscious that is causing your symptoms. I use muscle testing with the Integrated Life Strategies Mind Map in order to identify what the root cause of your concern is. The session is only one step in your healing. You may walk away with some recommendations in order to pursue this healing further. Jesus said to the lame man “Pick up your mat and walk”, and he did. You might have similar action steps to take in order to step into that healing as well.

    During your appointment you will watch me walk through the mind map while muscle testing your body to see what you need. This will include releasing energy using a magnet (please see resources for more information), reading through prayers, and having you share how what is coming up relates to your current situation.

    Sometimes after a session you will experience increased symptoms for a couple of days. Think of it as a deep treatment that causes the old skin to heal, scab, and fall off. Your body will not make you do anything that will be too much for you. You will be going at your preferred pace and comfortability with the process and your own healing journey.

    To notice energy releasing you might notice yourself yawning, getting goosebumps, feeling sensations on your skin or moving throughout your electrical system, you can start to feel lighter as if there is a veil lifted from your eyes, or cloudiness will recede. You will notice that you have more energy. The energy of the emotion that was stored has left and whichever disease or disruption it was causing will leave with it. You can notice yourself releasing emotions or energy when you look at the ocean, sit in the sun, dance, or even talk to a trusted friend candidly about how you feel. This is one of the healing portions we do often.

    Book your Free Consultation here.

    *Please see the book “The Body keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the healing of trauma” by Bessel Van Der Kolk M.D. for more information.

  • 3 Month Deep Dive

    In this 3 month Deep Dive you are committing to your own weekly healing. My goal in offering this package is to help you untangle all the criss crossed wires in your brain and your cells. I call it removing the rocks from your river. If there are too many big rocks the river will be cut off at this point and will not be able to flow. This is true with your energy system, when there are trapped emotions, negative beliefs, vows, double binds, they will block your river from flowing. We will take these months to do some excavation work and focus on breaking off these limiting beliefs, releasing trapped emotions, and getting your body prepared for the life your meant to live.

    We want to go after all the generational baggage that might be holding you back or oppressing you. I want to get after these items before they begin to wreck havoc in your body and relationship with yourself, your family and God. What are those triggers that come up everyday that truly mess with your joy peace and love? Let’s find them and eliminate them. I like to think of this as a detox. After you are cleansed and ready to create and live whole as yourself.

    You will be able to book healing sessions weekly in order to get rid of those big rocks. You will pay only $190 plus a set up fee of $150 to get started on this journey. You will be able to book as many sessions as you like during the three months you have this subscription. You will be charged $190 every 2 weeks for a total of 10 weeks. Please book your weekly appointments ASAP I want to make sure we get you in at times that are beneficial for you.

    *Please note: sometimes our bodies need to release trapped emotions before we can absorb nutrition. Please get in touch via the button below and I’ll reply to you as soon as possible so we can identify which course of action is best suited to you.

  • 6 Month Intensive

    The best way to get started with your healing journey is to dive right in. With this package you are committing to yourself that you will walk through the full healing journey. You will receive 10 healing sessions to use within the next 6 months for the price of 8 healing sessions. You will get to take the journey to getting free from any emotional blocks within these next 6 months.

    This is the best investment you can make to your future. The one thing you only get one shot at is health in this body. It is worth it, your relationships are worth it, and your future is waiting ready for you to be set free to step out into your fullest potential. This package gives you a $160 discount that is 2 free sessions!!!

    You will pay only $130 a month with a $200 initial set up fee for the first month.

    *Contact me if you would like to do a one time payment and receive $50 off of the initiation fee.